Channel: Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery
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How to Maintain your Facelift Results


When you get a facelift, it’s only natural for you to want your results to last as long as possible. Some of the first signs of aging occur on the face, and a facelift can be a great solution to have you looking and feeling rejuvenated. Below are a few tips that will help you keep your facelift results while feeling youthful and confident!

Skin Care Routine. Having a consistent skin care routine with retinol, the occasional skin exfoliation, and moisturizer will leave you with glowing skin and also help you maintain your results. By eliminating excess dirt and oil and adding retinol and moisture, your skin will be provided with the nutrients it needs to appear clear and smooth without wrinkles and fine lines. Of course, no skin care routine is complete without the use of SPF.

Sun Protection. Along with using a daily SPF, it is also important to use accessories such as hats or umbrellas when in the sun for a prolonged period of time. We all love a day at the beach, but too much sun exposure will only accelerate the aging process and cause wrinkles and fine lines. Shielding your skin from the sun’s harmful rays will keep your results looking effortless.

Healthy Diet. Beauty is much deeper than your skin, so keeping a healthy diet filled with nutrients will provide your skin with a healthy glow. Your diet should include water, nuts, fruits and vegetables, as these will give your body the nutrients it needs to keep your skin healthy and decrease the appearance of wrinkles.

For more information on ways to maintain your facelift results or to schedule your consultation, contact Dr. Azouz’s office today!

Reasons to Consider Male Breast Reduction


Gynecomastia is a condition where a man has enlarged breasts, which may cause discomfort or low self- confidence in their appearance. Larger breasts can be due to a number of thing such as hormones or an accumulation of fat in the breast area. Sometimes gynecomastia will resolve on its own, however, the condition can prove to be difficult to treat with just a healthy diet and regular exercise. If you suffer from larger breasts and are on the fence about undergoing breast reduction surgery, read below for a few reasons as to how you can benefit.

With unwanted excess tissue in the breast area, it can leave you feeling less masculine and your clothes may not fit as you want them to. No longer will you have to buy larger shirts to cover your body! Gynecomastia can restore your confidence and leave you feeling masculine again.

This area can be more difficult to treat with diet and exercise alone. Contrary to popular believe, being overweight is not the only reason that can lead to larger breasts for men. Undergoing male breast reduction will contour your body and give you the figure you’ve been working for. There is no reason to hide under layers of clothes or avoid the gym!

The reasons to consider male breast reduction and restore your confidence are endless. If you or someone you know may be a candidate for male breast reduction surgery, contact Dr. Azouz Plastic Surgery in Dallas, Texas to schedule your consultation.

Prepare for Your Tummy Tuck


A tummy tuck is a procedure used to remove excess fat around the waist and lower abdomen. Scheduling your tummy tuck surgery can be an exciting time, but it can also leave you feeling unsure with how to prepare. Below are a few tips on how to get ready for your tummy tuck transformation.

Quit Smoking

If you smoke, it is advised that you quit smoking at least six weeks prior to surgery. Being in the best health possible is vital for a successful and stress-free recovery. Smoking can prohibit healthy healing and cause complications.

Prepare The Home

Prepare your home for your recovery time. Create a comfortable space to recover the first few days’ post-surgery. Lay out a few books and magazines or your favorite DVD’s. Grab a few extra blankets and a water bottle as well as pillows to keep your body elevated. It is important to get as much rest as possible the first few days.

Recruit Helping Hands

Make sure to arrange for a ride home and recruit someone to assist you following surgery. You will need someone to drive you home, and it will also be helpful to have someone take care of any children or pets you may have during the day.

Undergoing a tummy tuck will leave you feeling confident and excited for your transformation. If you are interested in a tummy tuck or have any questions, contact Dr. Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery in Dallas, Texas for more information.

Three Questions to Ask Before Your Plastic Surgery


You can never be too prepared when it comes to undergoing a transformation that involves surgery. This can be an exciting time but you may also have questions or concerns. Below are three questions you should ask to help you stay prepared for your surgery.

What are some of the risks associated with the procedure?

There will always be risks when it comes to surgery. To ensure a healthy recovery, it is important to discuss your medical history with Dr. Azouz as well as potential risks. Keeping open communication with Dr. Azouz as well as making sure to attend follow-up appointments will make for a quick and successful recovery.

How long will recovery be?

Before you make your final decision to undergo plastic surgery, you should know how much time it will take you to recover as well as see results. Recovery time can vary depending on the type of surgery, as well as your medical history. It is important to follow all post-op instructions to speed up your recovery.

Do you have before and after photos?

Before and after photos are a great way to visualize what results may look like. When looking through photos, you should look for patients who have similar body features as you, as your outcome could look similar. It is important to keep expectations realistic, and looking through before and after photos is a great way to see real results.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule your consultation, contact Dr. Azouz’s office in Dallas, Texas today!

Tips to Keep Your Breast Implants Feeling New


Breast augmentation surgery can give you a whole new sense of confidence. You want to keep feeling young in your new body, and below are steps that can help you do that. To ensure your breast implants continue to feel and look amazing, read below.

Supportive bras are a must.

It is important to invest in quality bras that will offer support to your newly sized breasts. Your old bras will not do the trick anymore. Bras should provide minimal bounce and support that keeps your breasts from the weight of gravity. Good quality sports bras are even more important, as physical activity can take a toll on your breasts over the years.

Massage your breasts.

Following surgery, Dr. Azouz will give you directions on how to massage your breasts and how often to do this. As time goes on, you will not have to massage your breasts as often, however, this is something you should continue to do at least once a day. Massaging your breasts ensure that the implants will continue to move just as naturally as your body.

Follow post-op instructions and attend follow-up appointments.

Dr. Azouz will provide you with a list of post-surgery instructions, and it is important to follow these as they will create a successful and quick recovery. You should also attend any follow-up appointments that are scheduled, as the visits can assess your progress and help you adjust to your breasts. This is also a time to go over any concerns that you may have for the future.

For more tips on how to keep your implants in perfect condition, call our office in Dallas, Texas today!

Is a Tummy Tuck Right for You?



Have you always dreamed of a toned tummy,
but have stubborn, loose skin and can’t seem to lose the flab?
You’re not alone.

Excess skin can be caused by:

  • Major or minor weight loss
  • A pregnancy or pregnancies that have loosened your abdominals
  • Genetic laxity

Unfortunately, excess skin caused by either will not shed from a healthy diet or exercise.  However, before you contact a plastic surgeon, there are a few questions you should consider.

What are my options?

There are various kinds of tummy tuck procedures. Each procedure involves removal of extra skin and body contouring to bring your body back to its natural curvature. Before your consultation, here are three different types of tummy tucks your doctor may suggest:

Mini-tummy Tuck

If you’re concerned with loose skin particularly below your belly button, possibly from laxity, the mini tuck may be a good option for you. This procedure requires less recovery time and a smaller incision.

 Full Tummy Tuck

Full procedures are done on patients with extra skin from pregnancies, weight loss, or laxity. Excess skin is removed from your belly button to your bikini line.

Extended Tummy Tuck

Extended procedures are performed if your loose skin is around your entire stomach and love handles, typically from major weight loss or several pregnancies.

When is the right time?

It is important to factor timing of the procedure. For example, if you plan to have kids or foresee additional weight fluctuations, you should wait. Significant changes in your abdominal area can cause more stretching and loosening of the skin.

Do you fit any of these three profiles? If you are located near the Dallas, TX area, click here to Learn more about tummy tucks or schedule a consultation today!

Your Tummy Tuck Prep Guide


You’ve had your consultations, evaluations, and your lab tests— the day of your tummy tuck is finally almost here! But before you walk in for your tummy tuck, here are a few last-minute things you should know about healing, as well as a checklist to be prepared.




You will need two weeks of little to no activity including time off from work, care for your children, pets, laundry, cleaning, cooking, etc. The first two to three days are the most painful and tiresome, but your discomfort, swelling, and bruising will slowly subside. Be sure to have an area where you can lay that keeps your upper body elevated, such as a recliner or several pillows for your bed.

Your Pre-surgery Checklist

  • Clean— After a few days of relaxing, it may drive you nuts to have a messy house! If this sounds like you, it will help avoid the urge to move around too much.
  • Arrange for some assistance— If you’re a “do it yourselfer,” this may be the hardest part. You will need assistance changing, getting out of bed, etc. for the first few days.
  • Food prep— Unless you have someone to cook for you, you will need to prepare two weeks of meals in advance. We suggest Jell-O, pudding, frozen dinners, or freezable food like soup.
  • Meds— You will be prescribed pain medication to assist you in the healing process. Make sure to purchase these as well as the suggested dressings and bandages beforehand.
  • Shower— This may sound silly, but you will not be able to shower for about two to five days after because your drains cannot get wet!
  • Entertainment— Find things to pass the time. You could catch up on your reading, play board games, or simply enjoy your favorite movie.

Antsy about your abdominoplasty? Calm your nerves with more information from Dallas plastic surgeon, Dr. Azouz.


Trending in Plastic Surgery


Year after year, plastic surgery trends gain or lose popularity. In addition, medical advances continue to introduce new types of procedures and treatments for less invasive solutions or to enhance the outcome of a selected procedure. Let’s take a look at some of the popular plastic surgery procedures trending from 2016, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons:

Fat grafting

Fat grafting is a procedure where liposuction removes the fat from one area of the body to another. To remove fat from the abdomen and move the fat to add volume to the face, buttock, and breasts became extremely popular last year. This procedure allows the patient to “kill two birds with one stone” by removing fat from another area to provide more volume in another.


Facelifts were among the top five procedures performed in 2016. This includes removing sagging neck skin or jowls and creating a more defined, youthful-looking jawline. Nose reshaping was also one of the top five most popular procedures in 2016, proving that the face was a very popular area for improvement.


Labiaplasty procedures spiked in 2016. This procedure allows a woman to become more confident with her genital appearance. Many of these procedures included reshaping and resizing of the labia and although a large labia isn’t abnormal, size preference has become more and more popular.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation was the top most performed surgery from 2016 with 290,467 procedures done across the United States. This procedure has remained at the top of this list since 2014 according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Although we are seeing an increase in these procedures, we are seeing all types of requests from larger breasts, to smaller, more natural-looking implants.

If you’ve considered any of these top treatments, you should select a trusted plastic surgeon with a high-level of experience to help you achieve your desired aesthetic results. Dr. Azouz has been in practice for over 28 years and is a double board-certified Plastic surgeon specializing in each of these procedures. To get the best results, schedule your consultation in Dallas and be sure to choose Dr. Azouz!


Say Goodbye to Droopy, Tired Eyes


“You look tired.” How many times have you heard this, even though you feel great! This could be due to drooping eyelids, excess skin, and wrinkles around your lower eyelids, fatty deposits or puffiness around the eyes, or even sagging skin that creates folds around your eyes. If you want to look as refreshed and great as you feel, you may want to consider an eyelid surgery.

How can eyelid surgery help you?

Eyelid surgery uses small incisions to remove or reposition fat deposits around the eyes. Your surgeon will then tighten the muscles surrounding your eyelids and remove excess skin. To ensure that there are minimal signs of scarring, incisions are placed within the creases of your eyelid or just below the lower lash line. This provides a permanent solution for your drooping upper and lower eyelids.

Not quite sure if this is the right solution for you?

If you aren’t sure if eyelid surgery is right for you, don’t you worry! According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 209,020 eyelid procedures were performed in 2016, making it one of the top five most popular procedures last year. You are not alone in thinking that it can help you with your aesthetic needs.

In some cases, lower eyelid drooping, sagging, or wrinkles can be caused by additional fat or skin. It is important to consult with a certified plastic surgeon to ensure that these aren’t being caused by another medical issue. Dr. Azouz is a double Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon located in Dallas, Texas — his 28 years of experience can give you the confidence that you need to ensure that you’re treating your eyelid concerns with the proper procedure. To see if eyelid surgery is right for you, schedule your consultation in Dallas today!

Why More Millennials Thank Ever Are Using Botox


While in the past, most people considered Botox to be for older adults, it seems that this is no longer the case. More and more millennials and young individuals are now flocking to receive Botox injections not to treat wrinkles, but to prevent them.

As one of the best-known injectables on the market today, Botox works by inhibiting nerve signals that cause muscles in the face to contract and cause wrinkles. By temporarily paralyzing these muscles, expression lines soften, giving the face a more youthful appearance. However, this injectable can also work as a preventative measure, fending off lines and wrinkles from forming in the future.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, patients as young as their 30s, 20s and even teens received Botox injections in 2015. This is a big change in Botox trends from earlier years when Botox was primarily for patients in their 40s and 50s.

The Popularization of Botox

When Botox was first approved by the FDA in 2002 for cosmetic use, it has skyrocketed in popularity. As more and more people receive Botox treatments, the more the general population seems to know about, and accept it. This acceptance has softened the taboo of plastic surgery, leading to more and more younger patients feeling comfortable undergoing procedures.

This acceptance of plastic surgery has also lead to increases in other minimally-invasive treatments such as facials and microdermabrasion in millennials. Although they may not yet require invasive procedures, non-invasive and minimally-invasive procedures can help to give them the subtle improvements they desire, without the downtime.

This new availability of minimally-invasive procedures to patients in their 20s and 30s has allowed them to think ahead and undergo procedures that can help to prevent aging in the future. While Botox injections used as a preventative measure must be used over time to see results, those who continue to use Botox may need less product as they grow older.

If you are interested in learning more about Botox and what it can do for you, contact Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery in Dallas, TX today. We take the time to fully educate you on the procedure, as well as answer any questions you have.

Study Scopes Why Women Request Labiaplasty


A study published in the April issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery® reports a wide array of symptoms in women seeking labiaplasty. Labiaplasty, or vaginal surgery, typically involves the elimination of excess labia tissue. In the study, women reported having multiple physical and functional symptoms in addition to aesthetic concerns.

During the study, 50 women ranging from 17-51 years old underwent consultations with a plastic surgeon to discuss labiaplasty. When asked about symptoms, the women reported many, including elongated labia, pain during sexual activity, and self-consciousness when wearing certain items of clothing. When asked, the women reported that the issue of an elongated labia had either always been present, developed after puberty, or occurred after childbirth.

Almost all of the patients in the study reported self-consciousness, a decline in self-esteems, and feelings of unattractiveness in regard to their partner. These symptoms seemed to be major factors in the decision to undergo labiaplasty surgery.

Labiaplasty Controversy

While labiaplasty has been shown to be effective in improving both aesthetic and functional symptoms, some people are still critical of the procedure. In the past, the idea that labiaplasty is unnecessary and is simply fueled by the influence of the media and pornography has been shared among some professionals. However, this negative attitude has begun to disappear due to the increasing number of women interested in the procedure. In fact, more than 12,000 labiaplasty procedures were performed in the U.S. in 2016, according to ASPS statistics. This growing popularity only underscores the importance in understanding women’s motivations to undergo the procedure.

For more information regarding why women request labiaplasty, check out the original study in the April issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery®.

Source: www.plasticsurgery.org

Refresh Your Look This Summer with a Neck Lift


The skin and muscles of the neck is one of the first areas to show visible signs of aging, and can also make us look older and heavier than we are. As we age the skin on our neck will lose elasticity and begin to sag. This often causes one to feel self-conscious and looking for ways to hide it. Over time, plastic surgery technology and techniques have come a long way making scars from the procedure easily concealed. With a neck lift you will be able to draw attention to your best qualities without the distraction of a drooping neck.

How Does a Neck Lift Work?

A lower rhytidectomy is performed in order to remove excess fat or skin on the lower face and neck. By lifting the neck tissue, you will be able to see an improvement in the contour of the neck and jawline. The results will help you look both younger and possibly leaner. The following are the steps that Dr. Azouz will take when performing a neck lift:

  • First, a patient will be put under local anesthesia with some sedation to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible during the surgery.
  • During the procedure, Dr. Azouz will removes the excess skin and will then pull the platysma muscle up to a firmer position.
  • He will then make one incision under the chin and one behind each ear. However, if a younger patient doesn’t want to alter the appearance of their face, they may be able to see their desired results with making incisions exclusively behind the ears.

The Results

Post procedure, the types of sutures and scars will vary patient to patient. You are younger but are looking to change the silhouette of your profile, you may be able get away with the minimal incisions made behind the ear. However, if you are looking to augment the bands of the neck to make them appear smoother you may end up with some scarring that is temporarily more visible. Post procedure, you can expect a great deal of improvement in your appearance. A neck lift can provide such improvement, leaving you looking younger and more refreshed when it’s done alone or in conjunction with a facelift.

If you are interested in refreshing your appearance with a neck lift, contact Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery today to schedule a consultation.


3 Things to Consider Before Scheduling Cosmetic Surgery


It’s no secret that we’re our toughest critics. Being hypercritical of ourselves can be all consuming, making it instinctive for us to look for ways to augment and improve ourselves. While wanting to improve the way we look is not a bad thing, it’s important to know what our motives are. The following are three things to keep in mind when looking into cosmetic surgery.

Does Your Concern Warrant Surgery?

First, is there really a visible cosmetic flaw that needs to be surgically corrected? Depending on your concern, some “imperfections” can be corrected with something less invasive such as lasers or injectables. It is important to think about the preparation, procedure and recovery associated with the surgical option and weigh that against how much that flaw bothers you. If you feel that correcting your concern is worth that whole process, surgery may be a viable option.

Who Are You Making This Change For?

When considering any elective operation it is important that you are making the change for yourself. If you are making the change to please someone else, the process of recovery and the cost will not be worth it to you in the long run. Deciding on getting a procedure for you and you alone will increase your chances of being happy with the outcome and enjoying the results for years to come.

Do You Have Realistic Expectations?

The key to a positive outcome and a speedy recovery are realistic expectations. Having realistic expectations of your body and what is able to be accomplished during a surgery will be very important in your subsequent happiness. Your doctor will have your best interest in mind and will be able to advise you about what kind of improvements can be made while keeping your health top of mind.

If you have any questions about any cosmetic or plastic procedures, contact Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery today to schedule a consultation or check out our FAQ page here.


3 Facts About Blepharoplasty


As we age the skin on our eyelids can become loose and wrinkly, causing an aged and tired appearance. If you are considering a blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, to improve the appearance of your eyes, read on to learn some interesting facts you may not have been aware of.

It may be covered by insurance

In some cases, eyelid surgery may be covered by insurance! If you have excess skin that is obscuring your line of vision, contact your insurance company today. You may learn that your surgery is covered!

It can treat the lower and upper eyelids

Eyelid surgery is not just for treating excess skin on the upper eyelids; it can also correct crepey skin, bags, and dark circles on the lower lids. Your surgeon can help to determine if upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery, or both are needed to meet your aesthetic goals.

Great outcomes depend on an experienced surgeon

While your skin quality does play some part in the outcome of your procedure, it is greatly dependent on the experience of the surgeon. If you are considering blepharoplasty surgery, be sure to do your homework when searching for a plastic surgeon. Patients should look for a board certified plastic surgeon who has extensive experience performing eyelid surgeries, and who performs them frequently. Dr. Azouz is a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon with over 28 years of experience.

If you are interested in improving the appearance of your eyes with eyelid surgery, contact Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery today to schedule your consultation. We serve patients in the Dallas, TX area.

Look and Feel Great this Summer with a Tummy Tuck


For some, wearing a bathing suit in public can cause self-consciousness and even stress due to areas of fat and sagging skin on the abdomen. Many patients experience these symptoms due to massive weight loss or pregnancy. A tummy tuck can greatly improve the abdominal contours, so you can feel confident with your body this summer.

The Procedure

Oftentimes, the abdominal muscles can become weakened and separated, especially when patients experience pregnancy. A tummy tuck can tighten these abdominal walls, while also removing excess fat and skin on the abdomen. This results in a slimmer body contour.

While there is some downtime required after a tummy tuck, patients find that recovery time is definitely worth the results and the many benefits associated.

Benefits of a Tummy Tuck

Individuals can experience many benefits after undergoing tummy tuck surgery. Not only can this procedure restore a flat tummy, patients can also look and feel better in clothing and swimwear. Gone will be the days when you miss out on fun in the sun! Also, any scarring produced will be hidden under the bikini line, and can easily be hidden from view.

Are You a Good Candidate?

If you have tried to rid yourself of excess abdominal fat and skin with diet and exercise to no avail, you may be a good tummy tuck candidate. Patients should be at a stable weight, be physically healthy, be finished having children, and not smoke to see optimal results.

Individuals in the Dallas, TX area who are considering tummy tuck surgery can learn more by contacting Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery. We would be happy to schedule your consultation with Dr. Azouz.

What is Poland Syndrome and How Can It Be Treated?


Poland Syndrome is a pattern of congenital malformations that are present at birth. Individuals diagnosed with Poland syndrome have underdeveloped or absent chest muscles on one side of the body, as well as webbed fingers on the hand of the same side of the body. While Poland syndrome can affect either side of the body, it is more likely to affect the right side.

Men are affected more frequently than women and can suffer from a concave chest, or the absence of breast, nipples, and pectoralis muscles. This can cause many men to feel self-conscious about their chest appearance, causing them to avoid going shirtless or wearing fitted clothing. At Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Azouz can help to create a masculine chest appearance for a boost in confidence.

What Can Be Done to Treat Poland Syndrome?

Reconstructive surgery of the chest can be done to help restore a natural-looking chest appearance. The reconstructive techniques used to correct your chest will depend on the severity of your condition. Dr. Azouz may recommend the use of tissue expanders, implants, or TRAM muscle flaps. Men are often treated with customized chest implants and muscle flaps to create a natural-looking solution. Surgical tattooing is often used to create the appearance of an areola and nipple. Ultimately, a consultation is needed to help determine if you are a good candidate for reconstructive surgery, and if so, which surgical technique should be used to correct your condition.

If you are living with Poland syndrome and are interested in discussing reconstructive options with Dr. Azouz, contact our office today to schedule a consultation. We serve patients in the Dallas, TX area.

Reasons for Breast Implant Revision


Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery to date, which women around the world benefiting from the procedure. One thing that breast augmentation patients should be aware of is the possibility of implant replacement in the future. Some women who are happy with their breast augmentation results may require some form of breast implant replacement or revision. This can be due to a variety of reasons, which we have explained below.

Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture is a complication that can occur following breast augmentation surgery. It happens when scar tissue forms around the implant, causing the breast to become hard and uncomfortable. When this occurs, the implant must be removed and replaced with a new implant.

Implant Rupture

All breast implants have the risk of rupture, which can occur due to the implant wearing down, or being punctured. If a woman has saline implants, her breast implant will deflate and it will be apparent that a rupture has occurred. For those with silicone or gummy bear implants, it may not be detectable, since the implants will keep their shape. This is why an MRI should be done every year after treatment, to detect possible ruptures.

Unsatisfactory Results

Some patients may be unhappy with their results from a previous breast augmentation. When this occurs, breast implant revision can be done to correct the issue at hand. The procedure done will differ depending on the condition of the breast(s).

If you are interested in breast implant revision, contact Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery today to schedule a consultation.


The Basics of Rhinoplasty


Are you unhappy with the shape, size, or angle of your nose? The rhinoplasty procedure is a popular option for restoring harmony to the face through restructuring the nose. If you are considering a rhinoplasty, make sure you know the basics of the procedure and what to expect afterward.

The Procedure

The rhinoplasty procedure can be done using one of two techniques: an open rhinoplasty or a closed rhinoplasty. During an open rhinoplasty, an incision is made on the columella, or the area of skin that separates the nostrils. This allows for full access to the nasal structures. During a closed rhinoplasty, all incisions are made inside of the nose. The technique used will depend on the individual anatomy of your nose and desired results.


It takes about 10-14 days for swelling and bruising to improve following a rhinoplasty. Full recovery time will depend on the extent of your procedure. Your return to work will depend on the type of job you have and the exertion required. Strenuous activity, bending, and straining should be avoided during recovery. The recovery from rhinoplasty is an ongoing process, with minor swelling persisting up to a year.

Results are permanent, so you can enjoy your new, balanced nose for years to come! It is important that adolescents interested in nose surgery speak with a board certified plastic surgeon, as the nose must be finished growing or results may be altered.

If you are interested in a rhinoplasty for a balanced facial appearance, contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azouz.


Male Plastic Surgery is on the Rise


While in the past plastic surgery has been considered primarily for women, today, more men than ever are choosing to undergo plastic surgery procedures, especially due to the many techniques that are quick and require no downtime. In fact, the latest statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) show a dramatic increase in male plastic surgery.

The reasoning for this increase in male plastic surgery is thought to be caused by a greater interest among men with their outward appearance. Working men want to keep a competitive edge in the job market, and looking young and refreshed is a plus. Also, men are not getting married as young as they used to, and want to look their best when dating later in life.

Popular Male Procedures

Men and women want to address different areas of the body to enhance their silhouette. Men are choosing liposuction to eliminate love handles and a beer belly. A face and neck lift are also popular choices to help correct sagging skin and excess fat that can cause an aged appearance. Male breast reduction is also among popular procedures, addressing gynecomastia and creating a flatter, more masculine chest.

There are also many noninvasive procedures that can help men to appear more youthful. Botox and dermal fillers are popular options for eliminating signs of aging such as wrinkles and folds in the face.

Contact Us

If you are interested in turning back the hands of time with surgical or nonsurgical cosmetic procedures, Dr. Azouz offers an array of treatment options to meet the needs of all patients. Take the first step towards and new you and contact our Dallas office today to schedule your initial consultation.

The Best Time for a Facelift


If you are becoming bothered by facial imperfections due to genetics or aging, you may be wondering if now is the right time for a facelift procedure. Every patient’s anatomy is unique and also ages in its own unique way. The difference in aging process’ from person to person often vary because of one’s lifestyle and genetics. This, unfortunately, means there is no perfect time or age to have a facelift. In his recent segment on Ask the Doctor, Dr. Azouz explains that “A facelift is a procedure that is more dependent on what the problem that you’re trying to fix is”.

What Age Should I have A Facelift?

Is there a Perfect Age?

As Dr. Azouz discusses, the decision or parameters for candidacy to get a facelift is less about age than it is about the actual concerns that you would like to address. For example, a patient could want to have a facelift in their 30’s due to aesthetic concern while and some women are in their 60’s and don’t need a facelift. Dr. Azouz says that if you have a gobbler neck deformity or prominent jowls, or you just have a very aged look to your face, then you’re a candidate for a facelift and you can have that corrected. So essentially it is not age related, it’s depending on what the problem is.

What Concerns Can a Facelift Address?

Facelifts are a facial enhancement procedure that can correct a variety of facial concerns that can result from age, weight loss, and environmental factors. Sagging skin of the lower face and deep creases and folds in the skin may only be corrected through a facelift since the skin would need to be pulled taught to have a firmer appearance. Less invasive measures can often address certain signs of aging such as volume loss and lack of facial contours, but occasionally a facelift is necessary for more a more dramatic correction that the patient desires.

If you are interested in learning more about a facelift and what it could possibly do for you, contact Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azouz.

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