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Reason Patients Choose to get a Facelift Other Than Age


A lot of what we do here at Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery has to do with reversing signs of aging. However, there are other reasons a patient may opt to have plastic surgery and in this case a facelift. We interviewed two patients about their facelift stories and what motivated them to have a facelift procedure performed by Dr. Azouz in Dallas.

Correcting Asymmetry – Cindy

According to Dr. Azouz, Cindy’s situation was a little different than most facelift patients since Cindy had had a Bell’s palsy on one side. Because of this, she had obvious facial asymmetry as can be seen in her pictures that she had hoped to correct. Part of the reason Cindy elected this surgery was because when she had the Bell’s palsy she was very self-conscious. Her left eye would not close and the left side of her mouth did not work. Cindy found this to be very embarrassing and it caused her to avoid leaving the house.

This type of concern is addressed both under the skin, muscles and underlying tissue. First, before the skin, you get under the skin and muscle to reposition the tissues. This means that the underlying tissue over the muscles is moved back and upwards and then sewn into position. With that repositioning, the skin re-drapes over the rest of the face. This technique helps get rid of the jowls and give more definition along the neck and jowls without giving you an artificial look.

Post Weight Loss – Donna

After Dramatic weight-loss, many people experience an increase in excess skin. As for Donna, she decided that she needed to make some lifestyle changes, and I lost about 50 pounds. Even though she started to feel much better, she didn’t feel that she looked as good as she felt. Due to her dramatic weight loss, certain features such as prominent jowls became more noticeable. Also, her neck went from her chin down straight, which gave it little to no definition. To take care of the excess skin on and around the face Dr. Azouz did an upper and lower eyelid lift as well as a lower face/neck lift to get rid of the jowls. The best part? Dr. Azouz says that you’ll have a very natural and refreshed look and you’ll just look as if you’ve been vacationing or you’re well rested; people know you look a lot better, they just won’t be able to identify why.

If you are interested in learning more about what a facelift could do for you, Contact Dr. Azouz at (972) 863-2111.

Natural Looking Male Facelifts with Dr. Azouz


While facelifts are still more popular among women, many men in the Dallas area are enjoying the results of a natural looking facelift. Dr. Azouz works with each patient to help them achieve a rejuvenated look while also maintaining a natural and masculine look.

John’s Facelift Experience

John, a man close to 70 years of age; never considered plastic surgery before his facelift. John was married to a woman for several years who he had bought plastic surgery procedures for over the years but never for himself. Until one day, a friend of John’s showed him her picture on Facebook and he was astonished at how young she looked. After this, John thought to himself “You know? if I could pay the money for the plastic surgeries for her, I bet you I have enough money to pay for it for myself”.

Dr. Azouz’s Analysis

When John went in to see Dr. Azouz, he expressed that he wanted a very natural look. His goal wasn’t to look that much younger, his goal was to look rested and good for his age. Dr. Azouz felt that this was very realistic for a gentleman who’s close to 70 years of age. According to Dr. Azouz, “In a gentleman you have to be extremely careful; this is because if you make him look unnatural, you tend to feminize him, and I think the last thing a man wants is feminization of the face”. With this in mind, Dr. Azouz carefully worked to give John a very natural look; to the point that he doesn’t even look like he’s had facial rejuvenation surgery.

John’s Results

Beyond the physical changes, John states that the surgery has given me a new confidence. John says that his new-found confidence has inspired him to join dating websites, and the results have been excellent. “I’ve probably had a different date at least once a week, maybe sometimes twice a week. The people responding to me, I realized that they were younger and younger”.

Schedule a Consultation

Interested in Learning More About Male Facial rejuvenation? Contact Dr. David Azouz’s office today to learn more about facial rejuvenation for men and schedule a consultation. Dr. Azouz is ready to work with you to achieve the natural results you’re looking for.  For more information, visit our blog.

Breast Augmentation: Nadia’s Story


About Breast Augmentation

There are three types of implants that are used for breast augmentation today: the saline implant, the silicone gel implant, and the cohesive gel implant (sometimes called the gummy bear implant). Depending on the patient’s desires and needs, all of the implants can work well. It’s an individual decision, depending on the patient, depending on what her anatomy is and what Dr. Azouz thinks would work best for her. The surgery itself is usually about an hour. The recovery for the breast augmentation and lift can be four to six weeks.

Nadia’s Story

Having a breast augmentation was something that Nadia wanted to do for a long time. When she finally had enough courage to pursue it, she contacted Dr. Azouz and scheduled a consultation. Nadia complained that her breasts were too small and saggy. Not only did she want to be bigger, she also wanted her breasts reshaped, and felt that her nipple areolas were too low. Nadia wanted to have this procedure done before she got married, so Dr. Azouz recommended a breast augmentation and breast lift at the same time.

“Dr. Azouz said, ‘Well, I can take you the following Friday.’ And I went ahead and scheduled it, so I didn’t give myself any time to really think about it or contemplate, you know, second-guessing my decision,” Explained Nadia. “The initial consultation with Dr. Azouz, was pretty lengthy. He’s very thorough. He takes a long time to make sure that he walks you through each step and process.”

Nadia ultimately went from a 36-C to a 36-DD, and she is very happy with her results! “Thanks to Dr. Azouz, I feel much more confident in myself,” she said. “He did an excellent job with my breast augmentation, and I would highly recommend him to anybody.”

If you are interested in learning more about breast augmentation in Dallas, contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azouz.


A Gynecomastia Journey: Will’s Story


About Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is a very common problem for many men, which causes enlarged breasts. Obviously, most men are not happy to have breasts and they want to have that corrected, with more prominent pectoral muscles. At Azouz Plastic Surgery, Dr. Azouz eliminates excess breast tissue by making small incisions under the areola. Liposuction and sometimes excision are then used to remove the breast tissue and create a more masculine contour.

Will’s Story

Will had a condition called true gynecomastia, which is basically a hardening of tissue in the chest area. This condition caused pain, and it was pronounced through clothing. This caused him to look for doctors to treat the condition for about three years.

His journey started with talking to his primary care physician, and then he started to look at different plastic surgeons in the Houston and Dallas area. However, without even examining him, most of the doctors would tell him the needed procedure right off the bat. And usually, that entailed creating multiple incisions. That wasn’t something that Will wanted to do because it was going to leave a lot of scarring. So, he put it off.

The first time Will went into Dr. Azous’s office, he told him flat out, “I’m going to stay here until we answer all of your questions.” “And he kind of went beyond that,” Will explained. “I mean, he came up with questions that I wasn’t even thinking about. And within a few minutes, I knew he was the man for the job. I mean, he actually examined me before he made any recommendations, and then he kind of went through the whole procedure. And the procedure was going to be, you know, two really small cuts, which I, kind of, didn’t believe at first to be honest because I’ve been told by so many other doctors that that wasn’t possible, that they would have to do multiple incisions.”

Now that the procedure is done, Will is very happy with his results, and credits Dr. Azouz. “Without him, I would’ve probably gone to one of the other doctors and been unhappy with the results,” said Will. “And my life has truly changed as a result of this procedure, and I will highly recommend it to other people.”

If you are interested in learning more about gynecomastia surgery in Dallas, contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

The 3 Types of Implants


Breast augmentation remains one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries today and doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon now that more options are coming to the market. If you have opted to have a breast augmentation, you may be in the stage of deciding what type of implant to choose. Today we will discuss the different features and benefits of the three types of implants which will hopefully help you to define which type suits your aesthetic goals.


Saline implants consist of an outer shell that’s filled with a saline type solution that is comprised of salt and purified water. These implants provide shape and firmness with the ability to slightly increase or decrease size once they’re placed before completing the procedure. This type also has a natural filling making them very safe in the event that an implant was to rupture. This is because the saline can be safely absorbed by the body.


Silicone implants use a silicone gel filling to mimic the feeling of natural breast tissue. The silicone gel feels natural while at the same time holding its shape. This type of implant comes in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit any patient’s preference. Something to keep in mind is that in the event an implant ruptures, the implant will deflate but the gel will not be able to be absorbed, therefore a trip to your surgeon is imminent.

Cohesive Gel or “Gummy Bear”

One of the newer implant types, the cohesive gel is an implant that uses a silicone gel of a firmer substance that when cut into doesn’t “run” or spill. This can be seen as a positive in that they do not run the same risk of traveling into the body or deflate if it were to rupture. However, it is important to note that issues may be hard to detect with this type, so keeping a good relationship with your surgeon is important.

If you are interested in learning more about the different types of implants available, contact Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery today to schedule a consultation with Dr. David Azouz.

Do I Need to Revise My Breast Implants?


Breast augmentation is intended to provide long-lasting results for our patients seeking enhancement. However, it is important to know the signs that it’s time to visit your plastic surgeon. With time, implants continue to improve safety and longevity, however, simple wear and aging can take a toll after several years.

Reasons to have Implants Checked for Revision

Time & Aging

After several years our bodies age and experience periods of change that could affect the integrity of breast implants. One concern is that a patient’s skin can lose elasticity and the implants will droop downward with the weight against the skin. This is usually fixed by undergoing a breast implant revision paired with a lift.


Depending on how long ago your implants were placed, it is important to stay on top of any noticeable changes or recalls that come out on the implants you received. If you ever feel that your implants have changed in shape or feeling it is recommended that you see your surgeon as soon as possible to confirm if a revision is needed.

Advances in Technology

If it has been approximately a decade since you had your breast surgery, there have undoubtedly been some major technological advancements in breast implants. Breast implants continue to become safer and more natural looking with each new development. With this being said, your implants may be just fine, but a checkup with your surgeon after many years is recommended.

If it has been several years since your breast augmentation procedure we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. David Azouz to have your implants evaluated. Call our office today to learn more.

Achieve a More Masculine Chest with a Male Breast Reduction


Gynecomastia, or enlarged breast tissue, can be a result of weight gain, age, or genetic factors. The condition is common and can cause emotional harm in those it affects. Luckily plastic surgery offers a solution! With a male breast reduction, you can achieve a more masculine chest that you can feel comfortable showing.

Eliminate Fat

The appearance of enlarged breasts is often due to the presence of stubborn fat. During a male breast reduction, this stubborn fat is eliminated using liposuction techniques. For treatment, a small incision will be made on the side of the chest, around the areola, or in the armpit to allow access for a cannula device. The cannula breaks up stubborn fat and removes the cells with a light suction. Liposuction can also be used in the abdomen or flanks for more slimming benefits.

Remove Tissue

If loose, excess tissue is the cause of enlarged breasts, patients might need a tissue excision. Incisions will be made around the areola or in the natural breast creases where they can be concealed. Tissue and unnecessary skin can then be removed for a flattened appearance.

Maintaining Results

Although a male breast reduction is intended to give permanent results, it is important to keep a healthy diet and exercise to help maintain your new masculine appearance. The removed tissue and fat cannot return, but if weight is gained in other areas, the results might become distorted. It is also important to avoid any drugs that might affect your testosterone levels which could effect your results.

If you suffer from enlarged breast tissue, you can achieve a more masculine chest with a male breast reduction. Contact our office today for more information or to schedule your consultation with Dr. Azouz.

Tips for a Successful Breast Augmentation Recovery


Like any surgical procedure, a breast augmentation comes with some recovery time. It’s normal to feel nervous or even scared for your recovery period, but knowing what you can expect and how to prepare can help you feel more comfortable on your procedure day! Don’t let the fear of recovery stop you from getting the life-long enhancement you need to look and feel confident. Keep reading to find out how you can ensure a successful recovery.

Manage Pain

Many women fear the pain and discomfort of recovery more than anything else. It’s true that you can expect some degree of discomfort, but it isn’t anything unmanageable! Your surgeon can prescribe you with pain medication, which you should have filled and ready before your procedure day. You might only need this for the first day of recovery and can switch to an over-the-counter pain reliver after that. Ice packs and wearing your support bra can also minimize swelling and discomfort.

Have Assistance

You shouldn’t go into your breast augmentation alone. Make sure you plan to have someone there to drive you home from your procedure and stay with you for at least the first few days. You will be able to get up and be walking as soon as the next day, but you will have some movement restrictions that you need to take seriously to ensure proper healing. Having someone there to help you, especially if you have small children to care for, will make your recovery go a lot smoother!

Get Plenty of Rest

The most important part of your recovery is to rest. Your body needs time to heal itself and moving around too much can strain your incision sites. You might be eager to get up and get back to your regular routine, but you need to be patient with your healing process. You should plan for at least a week off work so you can rest at home.

Your plastic surgeon in Dallas will be there for you every step of the way and can go over your recovery process in more detail at your consultation. To schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Azouz, contact our office today!

Celebrity-Inspired Procedures: When Does It Go Too Far?


Many individuals are inspired by celebrities when considering plastic surgery. Maybe they love the way Meghan Markle’s nose looks, or desire Kylie Jenner’s lips. However, what happens when a patient becomes obsessed with looking like a certain celebrity and keeps coming back for more surgery- should the surgeon refuse procedures?

Plastic surgeons understand that many patients will find certain celebrities attractive and will want to emulate their facial features. Many patents will bring photos of celebrities to their surgeon as a point of reference. While in the past, surgeons were taught not to treat patients who wished to look like celebrities, this idea has shifted to be commonplace. Now, most surgeons welcome the idea of patients bringing in photos of what they would like to have done. This allows for a conversation to discuss whether what they desire is possible for their anatomy, and if not, for a personalized plan to be created to help them reach their individual aesthetic goals.

When Admiration turns to Obsession

While surgeons are aware of a patient’s right to choose whether or not plastic surgery is something they wish to undergo, they have the power to say no to a client. There are some patients who begin their plastic surgery journey wishing to look similar to a certain celebrity, but then they begin to become obsessed with looking exactly like them. When this occurs, surgeons must distinguish between individuals who are aiming for self-improvement and those who are obsessed. In cases where the obsession is unhealthy, surgeons must turn these patients away.

And while these ethical doctors will turn obsessed patients away, there will always be surgeons who will operate. Overall, patients should trust their surgeon if he or she tells them that it is time to slow down on the plastic surgery procedures. Remember- plastic surgery should help you to look like the best version of yourself; not someone else.

If you are interested in learning about our offered procedures and treatments, contact our Dallas office today. We would be happy to schedule your consultation with Dr. Azouz.

Give Yourself the Gift of Plastic Surgery This Mother’s Day


As a mom, you’re constantly putting the needs of others before your own. But this Mother’s Day, take a break and do something for yourself, like enhancing your body and confidence with plastic surgery! There are many procedures available that focus on common body concerns of moms. Whether you’re looking to restore your pre-pregnancy figure, or just want to enhance your look, there’s a treatment option for you.

Breast Augmentation

Your breasts can go through changes after pregnancy or as you age, resulting in a loss of fullness. But you can restore volume with a breast augmentation using customized implants. You can opt for a modest increase to fill out loose skin, or achieve a curvier look with larger implants. You’ll also be able to choose the material, texture, and placement of your implants, giving you the look that fits your desired aesthetic and body type.

Breast Lift

If you feel your breasts are sagging or just aren’t as perky as they were before you had a child, you might opt for a breast lift procedure. A breast lift can reposition the breasts to a more youthful appearance and remove excess skin that has become stretched. Many women find satisfying results from a breast lift alone, or might choose to combine it with implants.

Tummy Tuck

Your tummy is likely the area that was most affected by pregnancy. Even those who haven’t had children have a difficult time toning this area! You might experience loose skin and sagging tissue, affecting your body contour. With a tummy tuck, you can achieve a flat abdominal area by tightening the underlying muscles and removing excess tissue.


If you have good skin elasticity but struggle to eliminate pockets of stubborn fat, you might gift yourself with liposuction! Liposuction uses very small incisions to break up and remove fat, helping you achieve a sculpted body contour. This can be used in the abdominal area, flanks, buttocks, upper arms, thighs and more! You can also choose to combine liposuction with another procedure to optimize your results.

Mommy Makeover

Do you find yourself wishing for a full-body rejuvenation? A mommy makeover allows you to combine any of the above procedures and more to enhance many areas of your body at once. The procedure is customizable to meet your unique body concerns and goals.

If you’re ready to give yourself the gift of plastic surgery, contact our office today. We can schedule your consultation with Dr. Azouz to start developing your customized treatment plan.


Breast Augmentation Over Summer Break


Summer is here, which means more time to spent outdoors and by the pool. However, it can also be a great time to undergo a plastic surgery procedure! The most popular plastic surgery procedure to date is breast augmentation, which individuals across the U.S. benefiting from it! If you are interested in undergoing breast augmentation this summer, read on!

Why Undergo a Procedure Now?

During the summer, the weather is nicer, so you won’t have to be cooped up in the house during recovery. While this doesn’t mean that you can take part in exercise or activities, it does mean that if you wish to sit in a chair on your deck instead of sitting on the couch outside, you may do so.

Some individuals also have less work to do during the summer months, such as teachers, which makes this a great time to heal before autumn comes around. Plus, the kids are out of school now, so you won’t have to worry about driving them to and from school and activities.

Things to Consider Before the Procedure

Now, if you have decided that summer is a great time to undergo your breast augmentation- great! However, there are now some things you should consider before booking your surgery date.

The first is breast implant type. There are three main types of breast implants used today, including saline, silicone, and form stable. Saline implants are filled with a sterile salt water solution, and silicone implants are filled with a silicone gel. Form stable implants are similar to silicone implants, though they tend to hold their shape better.

Second, you will have to consider the incision pattern. During a breast augmentation, an incision is created in the breast, through which the implant can be placed. Patients can choose from the periareolar incision (around the nipples), the inframammary incision (in the breast crease), or the transaxillary incision (in the armpit).

Overall, these decisions can be discussed during your consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon in Dallas like Dr. Azouz. If you are interested in learning more about breast augmentation in Dallas, TX, contact us today to begin your plastic surgery journey!


What You Should Know Before Undergoing Eyelid Surgery


Are you tired of living with droopy skin around your eyes that make you look older than you feel? If so, it may be time to consider eyelid surgery. This procedure can have a drastic effect on the face and improve a person’s self-confidence. If you are considering eyelid surgery for a more youthful appearance, read on for some vital things you need to know before undergoing surgery.

The Procedure Details

Before undergoing any type of procedure, it is important to understand what to expect. When it comes to eyelid surgery, there are two different techniques that can be used. The type of eyelid surgery you require may vary depending on the shape of your eyes and your medical history. These eyelid surgery techniques include:

Upper Eyelid Surgery– is used mainly to improve loss of vision due to drooping skin and the appearance of the eye due to aging and genetics. It focuses on the upper lid, and can create a more rounded, open appearance to the eyes.

Lower Eyelid Surgery– is based around the lower lid and eyes, focusing on removing wrinkles and bags to improve appearance.

Possible Side Effects

As with any form of invasive surgery, there are potential complications and side effects involved with eyelid surgery. The first thing to understand is that results will take time to manifest. It can take up to a year post-op to see the full benefits of an eyelid lift. Other side effects may include scarring, bruising, or swelling of the eye area. Eye itchiness, dryness, and other discomfort can be medicated with eye drops or prescriptions.

What to Look for in a Surgeon

Choosing the right plastic surgeon is one of the most important steps to your plastic surgery journey. Be sure to look for a board certified plastic surgeon who has experience performing eyelid surgery. You may need to schedule multiple consultations before you find the surgeon that is right for you.

If you are interested in learning more about eyelid surgery in the Dallas area, contact our office today to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Azouz.

What to Expect From Your Breast Reduction Recovery


As with any plastic surgery procedure, your recovery is one of the most important parts. During your consultation with Dr. Azouz, you’ll receive step-by-step instructions on how to make the best of your recovery and what exactly to expect for follow-up appointments, but it can be helpful to know what your downtime will look like in the days following your procedure. Here are some of the main things to keep in mind.

Managing Discomfort

Most plastic surgery procedures come with some discomfort or pain afterwards, but this can be managed with medications prescribed by Dr. Azouz. These can also include medications to help decrease swelling and prevent infection, so it’s important to follow these instructions carefully. You’ll want to collect plenty of pillows to help make yourself comfortable, since you will want to avoid moving too much as you sleep. This can disturb your incisions and cause discomfort. You’ll also be asked to wear a surgical bra during this time to aid in blood flow and help your skin adhere to the new contour. This is similar to a supportive athletic bra and should be worn for the first few weeks or until Dr. Azouz clears you for removing it.

Knowing Your Timeline

Your breast reduction recovery timeline can depend on a few different things– like your body’s natural healing process, the procedure itself, and how much time for rest you give yourself. You can expect to take around a week off of work or school for your initial recovery period, but you may be able to return to physical activity within a month or longer. Dr. Azouz can give you the best idea of what to expect during your consultation, as well as during your follow-up appointments to ensure your incisions are healing properly.

Seeing Results

Most patients notice a substantial improvement in their posture and back pain immediately after the procedure, although some swelling will occur. This will only continue to improve as your body heals and your results settle into their new form and position. This can continue to occur for months after your procedure, so you may need to be prepared with clothing for different stages of recovery as your body adjusts. Some patients experience regrowth at some point after their procedure, especially with pregnancy and nursing, so it’s important to speak with Dr. Azouz about what you can expect in the long term.

A breast reduction procedure can be one of the best procedures that women with large breasts choose for themselves. To discuss your options and what you can expect, schedule a consultation with Dr. Azouz who can recommend the best option for you.

How You Can Benefit From Breast Reduction


What is Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction is a surgical procedure that reduces the size of overly-large breasts through the removal of breast tissue and fat. It can be performed at the same time as a breast lift or a mommy makeover procedure and has one of the highest rates of satisfaction among patients. It requires incisions of varying sizes and locations to access and remove the underlying tissues and to tighten and reposition the skin. This results in smaller, healthier, and more youthful breasts.

Why Choose a Breast Reduction?

Women who have disproportionately large breasts and want a reduction in their size can and do greatly benefit from a breast reduction procedure. Overly-large breasts can have a largely negative effect on a woman’s quality of life and even health, so a breast reduction can be one of the best steps towards contentment with their body and a healthier lifestyle. These problems can include things like chronic back pain, skin rash, and difficulty finding accommodating clothing. Many women with large breasts are unable to participate in sports or athletic activities because of the extra weight.

Scheduling Your Consultation   

Large breasts can take a long-term toll on your health, and many women wait until damage has already been done before seeking out a breast reduction procedure with a board certified plastic surgeon. Be sure to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azouz, who is a top Dallas plastic surgeon, at Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic surgery. An effective breast reduction procedure with an experienced plastic surgeon can ensure you get back to a comfortable and active lifestyle as early as possible.

How Old Should I Be for Gynecomastia Treatment?


Although most men experience gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts, at some point in their lives, not every patient fits the criteria for a good candidate. This is because gynecomastia can change over time or resolve on its own, so life stage is a very important factor when looking at your options with gynecomastia treatment. As you plan your consultation for male breast reduction, here are some things to consider.

Considerations for Puberty

Because gynecomastia is most commonly caused by hormones during the body’s development, puberty can be a huge factor in deciding whether surgery is appropriate for candidates. Most men experience gynecomastia during their teenage years to some degree, but this usually resolves as the body exits puberty. For this reason, male breast reduction may be detrimental to the body as it continues to change. If you’re still within your teenage years, you should be sure to discuss your options with Dr. Azouz and explore other options if you’re still experiencing this important phase.

Considerations for Maturity

Plastic surgery is no small choice, so most plastic surgeons will be sure to discuss with their patients the repercussions of choosing their procedure. Male breast reduction can be an effective, long-term solution, but it’s not a permanent fix. Despite treatment, gynecomastia can still reoccur without the proper life changes to ensure it stays away. These can include avoiding weight gain and certain medications. Overall, patients for any plastic surgery procedure should be mature enough to understand the procedure and its ramifications on their body and their lifestyle.

What Age is Best?

This question can be difficult to answer, since every patient presents a unique case. Male breast reduction is best for patients who have outgrown puberty and still have enlarged breasts. However, many male breast reduction patients are middle-aged or older and experience enlarged breasts as a result of aging or weight gain. In any case, ideal patients have tried lifestyle adjustments to reduce their gynecomastia and are able to consent to and undergo surgery to correct it. The best way to determine whether you can benefit from gynecomastia treatment is through a consultation with Dr. Azouz.

Dr. David Azouz is a top gynecomastia plastic surgeon in the Dallas area who performs effective male breast reduction techniques at our state-of-the-art practice. To schedule a consultation to discuss your gynecomastia treatment options, contact our office by calling or filling out our online form.

Tips for Your Successful Eyelid Surgery Recovery


Despite how advanced plastic surgery techniques have become, you can still expect some downtime after your procedure. If you’ve undergone eyelid surgery, some recovery time can seem overwhelming as you wait for your new eye profile. However, it’s important to follow any instructions given by Dr. Azouz to ensure you stay healthy and risk-averse. Here are some tips to ensure your recovery goes smoothly.

Managing Discomfort

Eyelid surgery can be a straightforward plastic surgery that isn’t as invasive as other options, but you can still expect some discomfort or pain as you recover. It’s important to follow instructions for any medications you’re prescribed, as these can reduce both pain and swelling. For additional effectiveness, you can use a cold compress at the treatment area. Dr. Azouz recommends the use of certain eyedrops to keep your eyes lubricated and reduce itchiness, so be sure to use these to manage any discomfort from incisions or dryness. Dr. Azouz will ensure you know which ones to look for in the preparation of your surgery date.

Protecting Your Eyes

As with any incision or surgical site, it’s important to protect it from harmful things. This is especially important after eyelid surgery since complications can be very dangerous to your eyes’ necessary functions. Your eyes may be very sensitive during this time, so wearing dark, protective sunglasses during this time can help to reduce stress on your eyesight. It can also prevent your incisions from being exposed to UV-rays, which can exaggerate scarring. If you opt to wear protective SPF, be sure to get a recommendation from Dr. Azouz on which products will be best. It’s also important to protect your incisions with any bandages or strips that are applied for your recovery. These can effectively prevent infection, so be sure to follow care instructions for your incisions.

What to Avoid

Even though recovery is temporary, it’s still highly important to avoid certain things until your incisions are healed. This includes certain skincare products and cosmetics that can aggravate your incisions or cause infection. It can be tempting to cover up any bruising if you choose to go into public, but you should be sure to check with Dr. Azouz before using any products near your eyes in order to ensure your recovery goes smoothly. You should also avoid wearing your contact lenses for a few weeks after surgery, as these can irritate your eyes further. Even though it can be uncomfortable, it’s also very important to avoid itching, scratching, or rubbing your eyes until you’re recovered.

Your recovery is only one step in your eyelid surgery process, and with effective aftercare, you can enjoy your excellent results without complication. To schedule your blepharoplasty consultation or ask questions about what to expect from your recovery, contact our office by calling or filling out our online form.

Blepharoplasty: Common Myths and Facts


Even though there are several non-invasive procedures today that help address different signs of aging, there are many issues still require surgical correction for best results. Cosmetic eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is one such surgical procedure that does not have an effective non-surgical alternative. There are two kinds of blepharoplasty procedures– one for the upper and lower eyelid, respectively. If you’re considering a procedure to rejuvenate your eyes with blepharoplasty, here are some interesting myths and facts about eyelid surgery that you may not know.

About Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid scars are some of the most concealed scars in plastic surgery: Although it’s true that certain surgeries can produce visible scarring, eyelid surgery can easily conceal any incisions within the natural folds of the eyes. For upper eyelid surgery, the scar is concealed within the crease. For lower eyelid surgery, incisions can be made inside the lower eyelid or hidden below the lash line. Using these techniques, most patients find little to no visible scarring after surgery.

You can correct dark circles: Some of the most common cosmetic issues around the eyes are dark circles and eye bags. There can be many reasons that these problems can form; it could be temporary due to lack of sleep, while long term dark circles are caused typically by thinning skin or loss of volume due to aging. These concerns can respond to non-surgical treatments like laser techniques, dermal fillers, and skincare. Fat grafting is an evolving more permanent option to improve the tear trough and lower eyelid.  You should be sure to discuss your goals with Dr. Azouz during a consultation.

Blepharoplasty surgery (eyelid surgery) can still be performed in those with dry eyes: It’s important to choose an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in facial cosmetic surgery, since removing too much skin can cause chronic dry eyes after recovery. You can expect some dryness during your recovery, however, because of irritation. This can be mitigated with eyedrops.

Facts About Eyelid Surgery

It has cosmetic and medical benefits: Eyelid surgery can help eliminate sagging skin and remove excessive skin and fat from the area while also tightening the skin. In addition to these cosmetic enhancements, it can also improve your peripheral vision when it removes overhanging skin. Removing excess eyelid skin can also allow more light into the eye, which can improve vision. This is why it’s medically recommended for people whose vision is affected by droopy eyelids.

It’s the second most popular facial cosmetic procedure: After rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery is the next most popular surgery in the U.S. This is believed to be increasing at almost 10 percent each year.

Lower and upper eyelid surgery can be performed together: Even though not everyone will require correction on both the lower and upper eyelids, they can be performed together within the same surgical procedure. This reduces the surgical session’s time as well as your recovery period.

Eyelid surgery isn’t just for women: While it’s true that a large percentage of women opt for eyelid surgery, men seeking facial rejuvenation also opt for the procedure in thousands each year.

Your results will continue to improve: You will be able to see your results immediately after surgery, but in most cases, your final results will continue to refine over the course of a year to eighteen months. This happens because it takes time for the surrounding tissue, skin, and fat to settle in place. Even though it may take around 12-18 months to see your final results, your facial improvement will be long-lasting.

Eyelid surgery can be performed under local anesthesia: Depending on the amount of correction required, your eyelid surgery can take anywhere from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. It is usually performed under local anesthesia together with sedation. You’ll be able to return home immediately after surgery. Dr. Azouz recommends elevation and icing to reduce swelling.

Schedule a Consultation

Eyelid surgery can be a quick and effective way to rejuvenate the face and brighten your look. To begin discussing your options, contact our office by calling or filling out our online form and schedule a consultation with Dr. Azouz.

Gynecomastia in teens – Azouz MD


With puberty comes a number of changes to the body. It may seem like every day you see something new in your body like facial hair or deepening of your voice. Sometimes, teenage boys may experience another change that comes in the form of breast tissue enlargement.

What is gynecomastia?

Although breasts do not develop in boys like they do for girls, all boys are born with a small amount of breast tissue. A boy’s body makes the testosterone hormone which guides his sexual growth when going through puberty. However, there is also the presence of the female sexual growth hormone, estrogen. When going through puberty, it is possible that a hormonal imbalance occurs, resulting in an increase in estrogen, leading to a swelling in the breast tissue. If you are experiencing this, you are not alone. Almost 50 percent of adolescent boys develop gynecomastia to some degree.

What causes gynecomastia?

There can be a number of factors that that can cause gynecomastia in teens, however, the exact cause can be difficult to determine. In addition to puberty, here are some factors that can result in gynecomastia:

  • An injury to the testicles which make testosterone or a disease affecting it.
  • Problems of the thyroid, the gland which controls sexual development.
  • Obesity which leads to an increase in estrogen.
  • Certain medications like those for depression, cancer, ulcers or heart disease.
  • Drugs like heroin or steroids.

What are the symptoms and treatment?

The first sign of gynecomastia you may see could be a lump of fatty tissue under the nipple. The swelling in the breasts may be uneven as one becomes larger than the other. When diagnosed with gynecomastia, you may be referred to an endocrinologist who is a specialist that treats problems related to hormones.

Usually, gynecomastia that happens during puberty goes away on its own. It may take about 6 months for some while it could take 3 years for others. If the condition is making you feel self-conscious, you could wear loose fitting shirts to make your condition less noticeable till it goes away. You can also get medication to address the hormonal imbalance. If the condition continues to bother you, talk to your doctor. In some cases, the breasts tissue can be removed surgically.

You must also be aware of another condition called pseudogynecomastia, which happens due to the extra fat in your chest area. This has no connection to your hormones and your doctor will be able to help determine whether you have gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia. If you have any concerns about your condition, talk to your doctor but do keep in mind that gynecomastia is a part of puberty and most often goes away on its own without any intervention.

Will Gynecomastia Go Away Naturally or On It’s Own?


Although you commonly hear of breast reductions for women, male breast reduction is not as commonly discussed. Gynecomastia is a condition that can cause breast tissue in men to swell or enlarge. Gynecomastia presents from puffy nipples to large female appearing breasts. Approximately sixty percent of men have this condition, and many have it to the point that they choose surgical correction.  In adults when gynecomastia persists for 12 months, surgical excision and body contouring is the definitive treatment of choice.

What is gynecomastia?


Gynecomastia is a condition that can first present in puberty or after infancy, as the young man is encountering many different changes in his body. An imbalance between testosterone and estrogen can cause breast tissue to develop and grow in a male. Although the exact etiology of this condition is not always clear, steroids, recreational cannabis and other medications are believed to contribute to gynecomastia. Other factors like weight and age can also influence the development of gynecomastia.  The overwhelming cause of gynecomastia is a genetic predisposition inherited from a male relative.


To many males, especially as a young teen, this is a source of embarrassment. Many young men report not wanting to participate in sports or any team activities that require changing in front of other young men or women. Patients often report being very self-conscious of their bodies and try to hide it in various ways. Older men may also experience difficulty with self esteem and avoid going shirtless, playing sports or wearing tight fitting clothing. There are also men who intentionally gain weight in order to camouflage their gynecomastia.  Gynecomastia may be minor and fade away past puberty, or it may be excessive and not reduce or disappear.


Gynecomastia is also referred to as male breast tissue, gyno or “man boobs”.  Gynecomastia is different from pseudogynecomastia which involves lipodystrophy or abnormal fat distribution in the chest.  Most men who are afflicted with gynecomastia have a combination of both lipodystrophy and true gynecomastia.


Will gynecomastia go away naturally?


Males affected by this condition often want to know the answer to this question: Will gynecomastia go away naturally? The simple answer is it depends. For young boys, gynecomastia often goes away after puberty. However, for many children, young adults, and adults the appearance of gynecomastia may be permanent. In fact, the only proven treatment for this condition is male breast reduction, a surgical procedure. When a skilled plastic surgeon performs this procedure, it creates a permanent change in the male’s physical appearance.  The gynecomastia removal can often be achieved with one outpatient surgical procedure.


How do you choose a good plastic surgeon for liposuction and removal of gynecomastia (male breast reduction)?


Most importantly, you need a plastic surgeon you can trust and feel comfortable with. A plastic surgeon is a surgeon who has completed a minimum of 3 years of general surgery and 3 years of plastic surgery.  It is advisable to directly inquire if your plastic surgeon completed a residency in plastic surgery.


Azouz Plastic Surgery has two such plastic surgeons, who are sympathetic to your problem and skilled in performing male breast reductions. Both plastic surgeons perform gynecomastia surgery (male breast reduction) on a regular basis.  Dr. Azouz routinely does not use drains, performs gynecomastia surgery as a day surgery and often is able to achieve the desired results with imperceptible scars.  Dr. Azouz performs Aesthetic (Cosmetic) and Reconstructive surgeries of the chest and has experience in treating patient with advanced gynecomastia, Poland syndrome, placement of pectoral implants, nipple/areola reduction and chest asymmetry.


If you are affected with gynecomastia, schedule a plastic surgery consult and call 972-702-8888 today.

Recovery Timeline after Liposuction


Liposuction is one of the most common cosmetic procedures in plastic surgery.  The recovery time following liposuction is dependent on the individual patient, on the number of areas being addressed (abdomen, chest, neck, thighs, knees, legs, arms etc) and the nature of the liposuction being preformed. Liposuction can be performed on its own or in combination with other plastic surgery procedures.  Dr. Azouz routinely performs liposuction in combination with a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), breast augmentation, breast lift (mastopexy), breast reduction, male breast reduction (gynecomastia), neck lift/facelift, body lift, and with abdominal wall reconstruction.

Dr. Azouz is able to use liposuction in both aesthetic (cosmetic) surgery patients and in patients undergoing reconstructive surgery. Recovery after liposuction is often easy and quick.  Even patients with complex medical history, heavy patients, older patients and those with history of previous surgery can be candidates for liposuction surgery.

Dr. David Azouz an experienced Plastic Surgeon in Dallas/Plano/Fort Worth for over 30 years

As a plastic surgeon, Dr. Azouz strives to attain the best, most natural and dramatic results in conjunction with a safe and comfortable recovery.

The routine experience for patients undergoing Liposuction Surgery with Dr. Azouz is as follows. The liposuction experience can vary according to different plastic surgery needs.

Prior to Liposuction Surgery:

Dr. Azouz is a plastic surgeon based in Dallas who will meet in consultation with each patient individually, prior to surgery.  Dr. Azouz advises the patient which sites they are a candidate for when planning for liposuction.  There are six stages during Dr. Azouz’s liposuction consultation. Dr. Azouz almost never uses drains with liposuction.  He will advise his patients which compression garments will be most effective for the quickest post operative recovery after liposuction.

Cost of Liposuction

The cost of liposuction will vary according to the number of sites desired to be improved, the overall complexity of the surgery and the patients specific desires.  Some patients elect to combine liposuction procedures with other procedures such as breast augmentation, tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), male breast reduction (gynecomastia), breast lift (mastopexy), body lift, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), facelift, labiaplasty, monsplasty, arm lift and with a variety of other plastic surgery procedures in order to have one recovery and one cost for their anesthesia and operating room fees.

The Night before Liposuction Surgery

Dr. Azouz advises his patients to shampoo and shower and then to shampoo and shower again the morning prior to surgery.  Dr. Azouz will recommend when it is best to stop eating and drinking the night before liposuction surgery.

During Liposuction Surgery

Dr. Azouz is able to perform liposuction surgery on patients with a combination of local and sedation or with general anesthesia.  Most patients elect to have their liposuction under sedation and would rather not have an endotracheal tube placed.  Dr. Azouz works with anesthesiologists who are committed to providing the patient with the most optimal experience.

‘Dr. Azouz aims for a world class result with the best experience possible’

Dr. Azouz utilizes many diverse techniques to provide each patient with a safe, ideal, top notch and comfortable surgery while always minimizing the risks and complications. While each patient has their own unique experience, many patients report having little pain with liposuction surgery.  Many patients have repeatedly reported that the experience was one of the best medical experiences.  They also often say that liposuction results are life changing.

Two to Three Days Post Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction surgery is often reported to be painless however analgesic medications is still prescribed who report mild discomfort. Patients will wear their compression garments in the post operative period.  Patients often elect to have their surgery on a day that is followed with one to two days off of work.  However many patients return to work more quickly without any detriment.  In this time period they reduce their level of physical activity.  Most liposuction patients return to desk work after one to two days.

One to Three Weeks Post Liposuction Surgery

One to two weeks after liposuction patients will avoid exercise and most patients do not have any reportable pain.  Many liposuction patients can go back to desk work or light duties at this point.  Full compression is utilized during this time period as advised by Dr. Azouz.  All stitches will usually be removed from the small liposuction incisions between 2 to 3 weeks after surgery.

Three to Six Weeks Post Liposuction Surgery

At three to four weeks after liposuction surgery, results become much more dramatic.  Bruising and swelling usually improve dramatically in the first three to four weeks.  Most liposuction patients can return back to light physical activity after the third week including heavy walking, elliptical, light yoga and light aerobics.

Six Weeks Post Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction patients are usually released to full activity after six weeks. Most patients can additionally return to all physical activities or exercise routines. This includes basketball, hockey, football, heavy yoga, trampoline, skydiving and scuba diving.

Schedule a Consultation for Liposuction

Liposuction is one of the best ways to reduce fatty pockets and boost your confidence. To get started on discussing your liposuction options, contact plastic surgeon, Dr. Azouz by calling now at 972-702-8888 or filling out our online form.

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